An Impressive Social Venture That Provides Employment in Addition to Reducing Emissions
According to a survey six of the world rsquo s most polluted cities is in UP and three in Bihar The pollution is measured in terms of particulate matter which are so small that they lodge directly in the lungs when breathed in posing a grave health hazard Naveen Krishna is a man on a mission who started SMV Green Solutions a venture aimed at tackling social problems He was very concerned about the plight of cycle rickshaw pullers who had to part with their hard-earned money in paying rent of the rickshaws So he came up with this appreciable venture of introducing electric rickshaws that eased the work of cycle rickshaw pullers and brought down pollution considerably SMV Green Solutions Naveen Krishna launched SMV Green Solutions in to end the drudgery faced by manual rickshaw pullers prevalent in northern India The company tied up with multiple entities involved in