Finding happiness in small moments is something that must be cultivated.
Life is difficult because that is what we know and think. We frequently ponder the rationale for our existence, which remains a mystery to us. We are so preoccupied with fame, fortune, and money that we lose sight of the more fundamental aspects of life. There was a time, not so long ago when ordinary people like you and me were content with whatever we had. They didn't care if they were living in luxury or great poverty; they just walked around with a smile and didn't want too many things in their pockets. We change with the times. Our necessities are increasing, our bank accounts are bulging, and our contentment is dwindling by the hour. "We have only one life, try to live it to the full" Stop worrying about everything and start enjoying every single moment of your life. Enjoy the giggle of a small youngster who has fallen on the street. Enjoy the sensation of eating delicious cuisine. Find joy in the feeling you receive when you sit down and put your feet up after a long day of work. Find satisfaction in the love and freedom you see on your partner's face at the end of the day, as if they didn't see you years ago. Find joy when you see loved ones after a long time apart and share recollections. Find happiness in the happiness, beauty, and love of others. Find joy in all that pleasant gossip. Discover the thrill of a pleasant smile from a stranger passing by. Find joy in simply being on time and doing nothing. Life is made up of all of these small, pleasurable moments. It's not difficult. It's straightforward. It's delectable. It's an honor. You will never be sad again if you keep this in mind and heart. Who can say? Something lovely may be waiting for you around the corner! “Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things.” — Frank A. Clark