Kerala Cop Goes Bald to Donate Her Knee-Length Hair to Make Wigs for Cancer Patients
While a small incidence of hair fall makes us worry and hunt for anti-hair fall medications, this Kerala cop deserves praise for shaving her head and donating her long tresses so that they could be made into wigs for cancer patients. Speaking to The News Minute, Ms. Lavakumar said that as it is very unnerving to lose hair after chemotherapy, she wanted to show her support by going bald and normalizing it. She further added that she made the decision to shave her head after meeting a class five student who was battling cancer. Ms. Lavakumar said that apart from their dreaded illness and issues related to treatment, children afflicted with cancer also have to go through a lot of bullying and they have to deal with stares and comments as they go bald on account of chemotherapy treatments. This only adds to their worries. The police officer plays down all the admiration and praise that she received on account of her kind deed saying that her hair will grow back in a year. She states that the real heroes are people who donate their organs for the needy. She further stressed that words and deeds are more important than one’s external look. Aparna Lavakumar has garnered lots of praise online including admiration and support from actress Anushka Sharma who shared an Instagram story of the police officer. Image Source: The News Minute