Not all junk foods are unhealthy!!
Parents and junk foods are lifelong rivals whereas kids and junk foods are best friends forever! Well this article is an attempt to remove the customary belief from the minds from people that junk foods are always harmful. Junk foods are prominently high in calories with excess sugars and fats. But some of these have antioxidants that are really good for your heart while some junk foods taken in small amounts can make improve your health. Let’s check out such food items. Popcorns We eat almost a popcorn tub watching movies, but ever thought about the benefits of this munching snack. Homemade popcorns are a best evening snack as it fills your stomach and is very light at the same time. Also it is high on antioxidants. Avoid savouring it with cheese or caramel. Eat it as it is. It is really good for your health. Processed cheese Cheese is considered a very high calorie food and often people with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are asked to refrain from eating cheese. But this processed cheese is the exact opposite of normal cheese. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is present in many fatty foods like meat, milk and cheese products. But studies on processed cheese found that the component CLA has anti-carcinogenic properties and also an effective antioxidant. The anti-carcinogenic property makes it heart friendly and consumable for people with heart issues. Dark chocolates Yes it is! Dark Chocolates are amazing for your heart. It is plentiful of antioxidants. It keeps blood pressure low and thereby reduces the risk of the heart diseases. Eating 100 grams a day is advisable. Eating dark chocolate bars and dark chocolate brownies is very healthy for us. If brownies are made up of whole wheat and has nuts with it, then it’s like an icing on the cake as this will make it rich in fibres too. Baked snacks Baked food is anytime preferred over fried when it comes to healthy body. Baked food is free of all the oil fats that has high calories. Usually made of whole wheat, it is also rich in fibre. Spicy baked foods excites your taste buds too making it a perfect evening munching options for those who are both health conscious and foodie. Drinks - Beer and red wine This might sound a little controversial but dry stout beer taken in small amounts as one pint acts as a medicine for people with carcinogenic disorders. Experts say that this thick and creamy dark beer may be effective to improve blood circulation. As beer is hot for our body, it melts the clots in the blood due to its heat that helps lower the risk of a heart disease and stroke. Also red wine is healthier as it contains resveratrol that reduces inflammations that endanger our body. Various heart diseases and cancers are avoided and prevented due to the antioxidants in red wine. Dry stout beer and red wine are far better than other aerated and hard drinks. For people who don’t drink, having grape juice or even eating red grapes can be very effective to health.