Need for raising awareness about Hypertension
We all know hypertension as high blood pressure (BP). It is a condition in which an individual’s blood pressure in the arteries gets raised. The normal range of blood pressure of a person should be between 100-140 millimeters mercury (mmHg) for systolic pressure. It should be 60-90 (mmHg) for diastolic pressure, as per experts. If it is above the given range, then the person is said to have a high blood pressure. If the high blood pressure goes unattended for a prolonged time, then it may pose danger to the cardiovascular health of an individual. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), approximately 7.5 million deaths worldwide are caused due to high BP in a year. High BP is one of the main causes of cardiac conditions including heart failure, stroke, and heart attack, as per WHO. By the year 2025, the number of individuals with hypertension around the world is estimated to go up to alarming1.56 billion, as per an estimate. To raise awareness about this, the World Hypertension Day (WHD) is observed every year on 17 May. You have to understand the this condition and means through which we can assist our near and dear ones manage it better. The World Hypertension League (WHL) has earmarked World Hypertension Day for raising awareness in this regard. WHL is a conglomerate of 85 national hypertension organizations, societies and leagues. On May 14, 2005, the WHL launched its first WHD. The WHL has been observing May17 of each year as WHD from 2006. In 2005, the theme was ‘Awareness of high blood pressure’ while in 2006 it was ‘Treat to goal’, having an emphasize on keeping the blood pressure under check. In 2007 WHD theme had been ‘Healthy diet, healthy blood pressure’. By following particular themes, the WHL aims to raise awareness regarding hypertension, and the factors contributing to high BP. Taking it further, the theme for 2008 was observed as ‘Measure your blood pressure…at home’. This has led to an increase use of home blood pressure measurements monitors. The WHD theme for the five-year period 2013-2018, will be ‘Know Your Numbers.’ It will focus on increasing awareness about high blood pressure in the people of member countries around the world. It is in the interest of every individual to always consult a doctor when feeling uneasy, breathlessness, giddiness or any abnormal condition, so that timely medic al assistance can be provided.People with known high BP should adhere to advice of the doctor to keep it under control. An advice regarding healthy diet, exercise and medication may go a long way in avoiding any further complications. Let’s all know more about hypertension in our own and near and dear one’s interest!