Are Hobbies a Waste of Time?
From the time we wake up, most of us are pulled into a whirlwind of activities that go on throughout the day. You may think that you have lots of work and you are spending too much time on it. You may love your work very much, but if you don’t get to do the things you like to do, then it may lead to job dissatisfaction. Spending all the time in your work doesn’t necessarily mean that you are working harder. It might mean you are working at a slow pace or that you might be just bored doing the same work every day. Well, the good news is that you can change the monotony of life by cultivating a hobby. A hobby may be as simple as reading a book or a bit complicated like learning to play the guitar, but there is no doubt that hobbies help to rejuvenate and revitalize a tired mind. Many professionals who are successful pursue some hobby in their free time. I know of a doctor who is a karate champ and a teacher who returns from school only to go out again to a karaoke bar to sing to her heart’s content. It is said that setting aside time to pursue hobbies is important because it helps one to recharge his/her system and fills one with ideas and enthusiasm. In the 1950s, researchers conducted a study on the lives of 40 male scientists over 20 years. They found that the most successful scientists, including four Nobel laureates, enjoyed leisure activities like art or music which kept their creative juices flowing. So, make time to play a game of football or you can even play on your console, cook a delicious meal, tend to your plants or simply exercise and see the change hobbies bring to your life.