Compassionate gesture by Bengaluru techies
In a gesture of kindness and compassion, around 140 techies from Bengaluru were literally down to earth as they helped a poor farmer in Keelara village. They provided their labour by planting paddy saplings beside giving Rs 50,000 for the medical treatment of his son who is in a coma. The team from Intel that included 35 women, worked on Viresh's farm. The farmer’s 10-year-old son, Jeevan fell unconscious when he accidentally strangled himself while playing on a swing attached to a guava tree. He is admitted to a hospital n Mysuru and is in coma for the last 14 days. Viresh was struggling to raise the amount of Rs 40, 000 that was needed for his son's treatment. When the Intel employees came to know of the farmer’s plight, they decided to help him out. Not only did they raise Rs 50, 000 for Jeevan's treatment, but they also rendered one-day's free service on his land as they felt that Viresh would not be in a position to bear the cultivation expenditure. Lakshmi, a software engineer and part of the team that helped the farmer said that all her colleagues were happy that they could help the family. They also learned the hard realities of farming and how it was at the mercy of nature.